
How Does An Article Title Generator Help Increase An Article’s Ranking

If you’ve not already tried using an article title generator then you may be finding that your Wholesale Knives SEO articles are not performing as well as they should. In the dog-eat-dog world of article marketing and search engine optimisation, under performance is almost as good as no performance. If your articles are not ranking highly for your chosen keywords, and proving to be successful traffic drivers, then you may have wasted either your time or your money.As both an article marketer myself, and owner of a high ranking article directory, I see a great many misconceptions and errors regarding the writing and marketing of search engine optimised articles, many of which could have been avoided by using a reputable article title generator. A great deal of time and thought is often invested in the article itself, yet scant regard is given to the title. This has always seemed a strange way of approaching online marketing, since it is often the title of your article which determines the eventual success of your article.To start with, the managers and administrators of article directories will often make a judgement about an article based on the title. Usually the administrator will simply see a list of titles of articles waiting to be reviewed, and with hundreds or thousands of articles to review each day the most effective approach is to simply decline or delete all of those articles with titles which are either formatted badly, sound unhelpful, biased or inappropriate, are ungrammatical, badly or inappropriately punctuated, too short or too long. You’d be amazed just how quickly the list of articles waiting to be reviewed shrinks having filtered out those problems.This means that your article may have been declined or deleted even without it ever having been read or seen! By using an article title generator you can make sure that your SEO article passes the first test with flying colours. Getting your article to be read and reviewed is the first hurdle, and it’s only by crossing this that your article is ever likely to see the light of day. But it doesn’t end there.A lot of article marketers believe that just by having an article out there in the directories it will automatically start to drive traffic their way, or help improve their own website’s rank in the search results pages. The argument they cling to is that the article directory has an Alexa ranking or Google Page Rank which is high, and therefore any backlinks from that directory to their own Android Phones website will boost their site’s ranking automatically.This is foolish, and shows little regard for the intelligence of the search engines. The first assumption is every single page on an article directory’s site has the same ranking - they don’t, and it may be that some pages rank higher than the home page, and others hardly rank anywhere at all. This depends largely on how popular the pages are - how many external links direct traffic to it, and how many clicks or hits the page receives from human visitors.This means that to be successful, in whichever way you plan, your article title has to appeal not just to the reviewers of the article directories and the search engines, but also to real, live human beings if your article is to achieve anything. By using an article title generator you can dramatically increase the chances of your article appealing to real people, and this will rapidly help increase the standing of your SEO article, its rank, and its power to drive traffic to your website.

