
Boxer Puppies - Ideal for Any Home

Many pet experts recommend buying a boxer puppy as a family pet because they know that these animals make the perfect pet for any home. They are friendly, loyal, courageous, and very easy to train. The official boxer standard, set by the AFC, requires the breed to have at least two remote controlled air swimmers thirds of its coat covered with fawn, brindle or some shade of red. The rest of the coat is usually white. White is commonly found in the under belly and face area. It is approximated that three out of four boxers born will fall under this category, and they will have no problems getting registered at the AFC as an official boxer dog.But what about the remaining 25%?The remaining 25% are not so fortunate. They are usually over 80 to 90% white, and they cannot be registered with the AFC as boxers. That also means they can't take part in certain pet competitions, which makes them unpopular among dog owners.This is bad news for the white boxer and the dog breeder. If there is no demand, then there is very little reason to keep the white dogs. Sadly, some are put to sleep just because they turn out to be white boxers.Some argue that this is better for the dogs because white boxers tend to have a higher chance of becoming deaf once they reach 6 to 8 weeks old. That is when some owners discover that the sensory hair in the inner ear isn't growing properly. This is caused by a lack of cell pigment, which is the same reason that explains why the dog gets its white coat. Besides this risk, the white pet is like any other boxer dog. It has similar personality traits, and can be a very good companion. However, pet owners who have little experience with dogs are advised not to buy a white boxer. Leave the experts to keep these dogs. air swimmers Their experience will them cope better with the complications that may surface later on.Because boxers are such obedient and intelligent animals, they make superb guard dogs. If you are thinking of having someone Air Swimmers guard your home for you, the boxer will do just fine. Any intruder trying to come into forbidden space will come face to face with a formidable guard.This breed grows up to be a medium sized dog - not too big, and not too small. If there are children in the household, the boxer is a perfect companion. They have a slightly playful nature, but they are not overly active, which means that you can trust them with young children. Of course, when they are young pups, there will be occasions when they are mischievous. When that happens, be firm with them and show them that you are the leader, and that you are at the top of the hierarchy. Keep sending the same message to your boxer pup, and it will learn how to behave when you or other family members are around. Remember, all dogs follow a simple top to bottom hierarchy when they are in a group, and that includes human beings. Show them who is boss. Be firm but patient. In return, your pet will give you and your family many happy moments.

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